Chemical Peels

Chemical peels remove damaged outer layers of skin on the face to smooth texture, reduce scarring, and remove blemishes to produce healthy, glowing skin. We treat with a variety of peels ranging from superficial peels to medium depth peels. Glycolic acid peels, Jessners Peel, and tricholoracetic acid peels (TCA peels) all help to improve the texture of your skin, help improve pigmentation changes of your skin and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

Glycolic Chemical Peels

The mildest form of chemical peels, glycolic peels gently exfoliate the surface layer of skin to expose the fresher, younger-looking skin beneath. They are ideal for roughness, dryness, sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles. Treatments take only 10-15 minutes. Results are visible immediately, although repeated treatments are recommended for best results.

Jessner’s Chemical Peels

Jessner’s is a mild to moderate peel formula that smoothes texture, reduces scarring and removes blemishes to produce healthy, glowing skin on the face, neck, hands and chest. It is appropriate for all skin types, and it is especially beneficial to patients who have acne problems or sun damage. The solution is formulated by combining lactic and salicylic acids with resorcinol and works to penetrate the skin’s layers to promote exfoliation. The exact concentration will be tailored to the unique requirements of your skin.

TCA Chemical Peels (Trichloroacetic acid)

Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) peels are medium-depth peels that can effectively treat fine surface wrinkles, superficial blemishes and pigment problems, and are often performed in conjunction with an alphahydroxy acid (AHA) peel or other treatments such as a facelift or laser skin resurfacing. Treatment can be fully customized for each patient’s skin type and may even be covered by insurance if performed for medical rather than cosmetic reasons.

Melanage Chemical Peel


Melanage Chemical Peel is a superficial peel designed to improve the texture and appearance of hyperpigmented skin, which involves a medicated masque and at home regimen.

This peel is safe and effective for all skin types including dark skin.

Contact us for more information about Chemical Peels at 936-564-6107 or fax us at 936-564-5124.
We are located at 4730 NE Stallings Drive, Nacogdoches, TX 75965.